Scientific Drinking Vessels

Thank you for your support! Glass art has been a life long passion for me and being able to do it for a living has been the scariest and most fulfilling careers I could have ever hoped for! Money from your purchases goes towards keeping the dream going and me starting a bee farm, and hopefully one day a glass art center!

  • Warranty Repair

    As long as the vortex cones are intact all straws can be repaired! First time just pay shipping, second time it’s 10 +shipping, everytime after is 2 +shipping! Similar offers on all other glass products! If I can repair it I will, and I promise to offer the best price I can! No repair is guaranteed but if glass breaks during repair, replacements will be heavily discounted!

  • Wait time

    Average wait time for custom ordered glass is 1-2 weeks, if more time is needed I will email you as soon as possible with more information. I am a one person operation so please bear with me!

  • Thank You!

    I wouldn’t be able to make functional glass art for a living if it wasn’t for all my supporters and customers! You rock! I can’t thank you enough for being a part of my dreams!